About me

I’m a Ph.D. candidate at the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada. After completing my BA in Linguistics in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, I lived and studied in various parts of China, including Beijing where I completed my MA in Communication Studies at Peking University.

In my doctoral research at SFU, I explore how power shapes urban environments in Tajikistan and how discourses around the changing urban landscape of Dushanbe reflect existing and emerging discussions around identity, nationhood, history, modernity and (de)coloniality in Tajikistan, Central Asia and beyond. More broadly, I am interested in media, identity, culture and migration, post-colonial, decolonial, cultural and gender studies and political economy.

I currently serve as a Sessional Instructor at the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University and an Associate Editor of Stream, a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal of communication.